So I did a hot oil treatment. I have been searching these for weeks trying to get an abundant amount of information. I always feel like I've researched enough when I can explain it myself without having to read it from one specific blog. I've been to many. I mean lots. I've linked a few of my favorites that I feel have the best information.
I want ridiculously long hair. Like to my butt. Braids for days is my goal. All in preparation for my trip to Padre in a few months. Pilates+Good Hair=Gooooood Trip.
This is what I've found
There's recipe here and a good explanation of the benefits of hair treatments on that site as well. I like the way she writes. I feel like I'm talking to my buddies when I read her stuff. Ha! A lot of other places say the pretty much the same thing, that's just my favorite one. Here is a WikiHow tutorial if you don't like mine!
Since the essesntial oil (e.o) is too strong for your scalp you need to mix it with a "carrier oil" to dilute it some so not to cause any skin irritation or inhibit any sort of build up or infection.
Use olive or jojoba or coconut oil.
Olive oil helps moisturize and condition your hair. This would be ideal for dry or brittle hair types. If you don't already know, it has a slight odor to it so keep that in mind. Jojoba oil (ho ho-think Jamaican Santa Claus?) stimulates the follicles on your scalp and increases blood flow helping with hair growth. Look at my half a semester of A&P showing! Coconut oil moisturizes as well, has a low melting point so could be best used for sensitive scalps or normal hair types. Neither of which have any scent.
The best Essential Oil
For normal hair use
Lavender, Rosemary, Lemon, or Thyme (e.o)
For dry hair or dandruff issues use
Lavender, Rosemary, Sandalwood, or Geranium e.o
For oily hair (me)
Lavender, Rosemary, Lemon, Peppermint or Cypress e.o
I found E.O. at Whole Foods for about $8 a bottle. You can get it on Amazon as well. The "Now Foods" brand is not just for food...I'm an essential oils newbie. It shows.
Once you've created your concoction its pretty simple after that. I could never find a precise instruction on the application but it seems like you just rub that junk in your scalp!
-I heated my mixture for about 20 seconds in the microwave. You can do more or less depending on your scalp sensitivity. I'll probably do more than 20 next time. It felt warm on my fingers but not anything on my head. Hmm.
-Focus on working the oil in to your roots. That's where all the magic happens like I mentioned above. Your follicles will start to tingle and it feels so good. If you have a super close loved one around ask them to apply this for you. Everyone loves a scalp massage.
-After the roots are taken care of run a little bit of the oil through your strands for moisturizing and scent.
-Wrap your hair in a towel and let it all soak in. For extra efficiency wrap your hair in a pre-warmed towel. Fresh from the dryer or steamed in hot water. This allows the oils to soak into the scalp and hair shafts even more. And just feel super luxurious.
This is my favorite part: and I feel like a huge step to be aware of when doing a hot oil treatment.
Since I already have pretty oily hair, I want to make sure none of this gets left behind and makes my situation worse.
-Start by washing your hair in pretty warm water. Maybe a little more than you're used to but not too much that it burns your scalp. Work shampoo around your scalp with your fingertips very thoroughly. Pay good attention to your neckline. I forget about this when washing normally but is super important here. You dont want this oil left in your hair making you look greasy.
-I skip the conditioner in this wash since there's already lots of moisturizing going on beforehand.
-Then when you feel pretty good about the oil: you're wrong. Turn the water somewhat colder than you'd like. This solidifies any oil left and helps bead out of your hair. Seriously.
Then style as usual!! Feel the silky goodness.
So whenever you wake up too early in the mornings and have nothing to do or feel like pampering yourself on the weekends
Try a hot oil treatment!!
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